Thursday, January 10, 2013

A new creation

A new creation can be a lot of things.
It can be someone who is changed by God into a member of the body of Christ.
It can be a baby at conception. Where there was no life, there is now life.
When Jehovah God creates a new Heaven and new Earth.

These things, of course, are the greater things.

The lesser new creations could be:
Starting a new line of work that you have no experience in.
Moving to a new place, and having to get acquainted with the area.
Maybe someone has died and you have to find out what life is like without that person.

This list of lessers is but a sampling. The thing that all of these things have in common is change.
So often change is scary. Yet how often do we feel stifled if things stay the same for too long? 
I have found that my trusting in Christ for my ultimate good has allowed me to accept changes.
How sad it is for the person who is always looking back, and wishing things to be like they were.
It is a vain hope.
Change is certain.
Will you accept and live in reality?
Or will you always live in the dreamworld of if only___?

Saturday, July 3, 2010

An ordered Universe

We live in ordered Universe. The fact that I wrote 4 sentences on this blog, and then accidently erased them does not change that.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Starting is the easiest and the hardest thing to do. It is easiest because it is many times the spasm of emotion that puts you over the top. It is hardest because until you start you can imagine every reason in the world not to.
I have started to blog.